I downloaded it and have been playing around with it since then. Needless to say when my friend discovered WoG earlier this year and told me about it, I couldn't resist. And have went from FPS to RTS through the years (recently mostly playing Guild Wars and Settlers of Cataan). I wrote a few programs in Basic (like a character generator for D&D). Moved to a Commodore Amiga (Empire and Dungeon Master were my favorites back then). I started playing with computer games on a Commodore 128 (britania series mostly). I have played many thousands of hours on 100's of different games and Homm 3 has been one of my favorites (alongside Civ series and Age of Empires). That doesn't make me smarter than anyone here but it does make me wiser than some (who else played asteroids before the Atari system came out? ). Let me start by saying I am an older player (47 yrs.